The fourth series of Malory Towers, based on Enid Blyton’s beloved book series, will begin on Monday 8th May at 6pm on CBBC.
Malory Towers follows the adventures of Darrell Rivers as she attends boarding school in 1940s Cornwall. Series 4 will see Darrell and friends return as fourth formers, with new responsibilities and little sisters to look out for!
Emma Pritchard wrote episodes 3 and 10, airing on CBBC on May 15th and June 5th – and subsequently available on iPlayer.
Emma has written three new scripts for Malory Towers Series 5, and episodes of Magic Light’s Pip and Posy. Her podcast series Holy Sh!t was produced by Hat Trick, and is available to listen to on all podcast platforms.
Watch the trailer for the new series here:
Emma Pritchard is represented by Frances Arnold