Dan Zeff has directed Siblings, a new six-part series written by Keith Akushie (Fresh Meat), starring Charlotte Ritchie (Fresh Meat) and Tom Stourton (Live At The Electric) as Hannah and Dan – the worst brother and sister in the world.
Each week, through their own selfishness and idiocy, we see them spectacularly wreck the lives of those around them – old friends, love interests, family members, and the unlucky individuals who just happen to cross their paths.
Siblings begins on Thursday 7th August at 10pm on BBC3.
Dan’s TV drama and comedy credits include The Ice Cream Girls (ITV), Lost in Austen (ITV), Doctor Who (BBC), Hattie (BBC), Ideal (BBC) and Marple (ITV). He wrote the first episode of Pramface 3 which TX February 2014 having directed the first series for BBC3.
Dan is represented by Frances Arnold.