Cara Loftus’ debut feature-film, set in 1980’s Dublin, premiered at the Tallinn Black Nights International Film Festival last week, and the first reviews are in:
“Screenwriter Cara Loftus has conceived a radical concept: to use a child’s-eye view to frame the story of a heroin epidemic that ravaged the city at that time. That the child fashions himself as a detective along the lines of his hero Kojak means that the viewer also stumbles into the plot unknowingly……
…..A very secure sense of time and place goes a long way towards anchoring the high aims of [director Brian] Durnin and Loftus, and Spilt Milk certainly announces itself with a loud voice…..
…..that also marks a new generation of talent in front and behind the lens” – ScreenDaily
“The transition to darker material and the bravery to do so in an unapologetic manner, on the part of both [director Brian] Durnin and scriptwriter Cara Loftus, are what makes Spilt Milk stand out among the myriad safe, heart-warming films for children and youth audiences, where there is a lot of talk about certain things, usually along didactic lines, but where the real ugliness and pain are never shown. Here, it seems genuine and heart-felt.” – cineuropa